100+ Popular birds name in Hindi and English

birds name list a to z

flightless birds name

  1. Ostrich
  2. r_page_title -->
  3. Emu
  4. Cassowary
  5. Rhea
  6. Kiwi
  7. Penguin
  8. Kākāpō (Night Parrot)
  9. Takahe
  10. Flightless Cormorant
  11. Inaccessible Island Rail

Indian birds name

  1.  Peafowl (Peacock)
  2. House Sparrow
  3.  Robin
  4.  Pond Heron
  5.  Myna
  6.  Eagle-Owl
  7.  Cormorant
  8.  Roller
  9.  Pitta
  10.  Paradise Flycatcher
  11.  Swiftlet
  12.  White-breasted Kingfisher
  13.  Golden Oriole
  14.  Spot-billed Duck
  15.  Tree Pie
  16.  Blue Jay
  17.  Silverbill
  18.  Shrike
  19.  Scops Owl
  20.  Silverbill
  21.  Purple Sunbird
  22.  Skimmer
  23.  Black Ibis
  24.  Grey Hornbill
  25.  Peafowl
  26.  White-rumped Vulture
  27.  Pied Kingfisher
  28.  Blue-tailed Bee-eater
  29.  Grey Partridge
  30.  Paradise Flycatcher
  31.  Courser
  32.  Woodpecker
  33.  Swiftlet
  34.  Scops Owl
  35.  Weaver Bird
  36.  Yellow Wagtail
  37.  Pitta
  38.  Shag
  39.  Thick-knee
  40.  Nightjar
  41.  Roller
  42.  Purple Sunbird
  43.  Cormorant
  44.  Swamphen
  45.  White-eye
  46.  Black Ibis
  47.  Yellow Tit
  48.  Spot-billed Duck
  49.  Peafowl
  50.  Rock Python

flying birds name

  1. Sparrow
  2. Eagle
  3. Hawk
  4. Falcon
  5. Crow
  6. Seagull
  7. Swallow
  8. Hummingbird
  9. Owl
  10. Albatross
  11. Vulture
  12. Pelican
  13. Kingfisher
  14. Pigeon (also known as Dove)
  15. Woodpecker
  16. Robin
  17. Blue Jay
  18. Parrot
  19. Heron
  20. Duck
  21. Goose
  22. Flamingo
  23. Stork
  24. Tern
  25. Warbler

migration birds name | migratory birds name

  1. Arctic Tern
  2. Barn Swallow
  3. Blackpoll Warbler
  4. Broad-winged Hawk
  5. Monarch Butterfly (not a bird, but migratory)
  6. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  7. Sandhill Crane
  8. Swainson’s Hawk
  9. Western Sandpiper
  10. Yellow Warbler
  11. Osprey
  12. Northern Pintail
  13. White-crowned Sparrow
  14. Purple Martin
  15. Peregrine Falcon
  16. American Redstart
  17. Eastern Kingbird
  18. Willow Flycatcher
  19. Sanderling
  20. Semipalmated Sandpiper
  21. Tree Swallow
  22. Long-tailed Jaeger
  23. Ruddy Turnstone
  24. Black Skimmer
  25. Snow Goose
  26. Ross’s Goose
  27. Northern Wheatear
  28. Whimbrel
  29. Red Knot
  30. American Goldfinch
  31. Greater Yellowlegs
  32. Least Sandpiper
  33. White-rumped Sandpiper
  34. Dunlin
  35. Semipalmated Plover
  36. Common Tern
  37. Roseate Tern
  38. Arctic Tern
  39. Wilson’s Warbler
  40. Yellow-rumped Warbler
birds name
birds name
birds name

pet birds name

  1. Budgerigar (Budgie)
  2. Cockatiel
  3. Canary
  4. Lovebird
  5. Finch
  6. Parakeet
  7. Cockatoo
  8. African Grey Parrot
  9. Amazon Parrot
  10. Macaw
  11. Conure
  12. Quaker Parrot (Monk Parakeet)
  13. Caique
  14. Bourke’s Parakeet
  15. Parrotlet
  16. Lorikeet
  17. Eclectus Parrot

sea birds name

  1. Albatross
  2. Seagull
  3. Pelican
  4. Frigatebird
  5. Tern
  6. Gannet
  7. Petrel
  8. Shearwater
  9. Puffin
  10. Booby
  11. Skua
  12. Razorbill
  13. Cormorant
  14. Fulmar
  15. Kittiwake
  16. Manx Shearwater
  17. Jaeger
  18. Murre
  19. Guillemot
  20. Storm Petrel

swimming birds name | water birds name in India

  1. Duck
  2. Goose
  3. Swan
  4. Pelican
  5. Cormorant
  6. Seagull
  7. Penguin
  8. Puffin
  9. Loon
  10. Grebe
  11. Merganser
  12. Eider
  13. Albatross
  14. Shearwater
  15. Guillemot
  16. Fulmar
  17. Kingfisher
  18. Diving Petrel
  19. Tern
  20. Gannet

wild birds name

  1. American Robin
  2. Mallard Duck
  3. Red-tailed Hawk
  4. Eastern Bluebird
  5. Northern Cardinal
  6. American Goldfinch
  7. Eastern Phoebe
  8. Carolina Wren
  9. Song Sparrow
  10. Black-capped Chickadee
  11. Osprey
  12. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  13. Turkey Vulture
  14. American Kestrel
  15. Great Horned Owl
  16. American Crow
  17. Northern Mockingbird
  18. Cedar Waxwing
  19. Yellow Warbler
  20. Killdeer
  21. Belted Kingfisher
  22. Purple Martin
  23. Eastern Meadowlark
  24. Western Bluebird
  25. Common Loon

rare birds name

  1. Kakapo
  2. Spoon-billed Sandpiper
  3. Javan Hawk-Eagle
  4. Philippine Eagle
  5. Northern Bald Ibis
  6. California Condor
  7. Yellow-eyed Penguin
  8. Kirtland’s Warbler
  9. Socorro Dove
  10. Philippine Cockatoo
  11. Forest Owlet

Red Angry birds name

  1. Chuck
  2. Bomb
  3. Matilda
  4. Terence
  5. Bubbles
  6. Stella
  7. Hal
  8. Mighty Eagle (not a playable character)
  9. Silver

small birds name

  1. Sparrow
  2. Wren
  3. Chickadee
  4. Warbler
  5. Finch
  6. Titmouse
  7. Goldcrest
  8. Vireo
  9. Kinglet
  10. Bluebird
  11. Nuthatch
  12. Pardalote
  13. Bushtit
  14. Fairywren
  15. Pygmy Owl
  16. Hummingbird
  17. Sunbird

unique birds name

  1. Resplendent Quetzal
  2. Harpy Eagle
  3. Kakapo
  4. Shoebill
  5. Hoopoe
  6. Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise
  7. Sword-billed Hummingbird
  8. Keel-billed Toucan
  9. Lyrebird
  10. Helmeted Hornbill
  11. Superb Lyrebird

white birds name

  1. Swan
  2. Pelican
  3. Gannet
  4. Snowy Owl
  5. Bald Eagle
  6. Snow Goose
  7. Arctic Tern
  8. Little Egret
  9. Snow Petrel
  10. White Stork
  11. White Ibis
  12. Cattle Egret
  13. Common Tern
  14. Ross’s Gull
  15. White-faced Heron
  16. White-crowned Sparrow
  17. Little Blue Heron
  18. White-cheeked Turaco
  19. White-throated Sparrow
  20. White Wagtail

What are some wild birds’ names?

Mallard Duck, Red-tailed Hawk, Eastern Bluebird, Northern Cardinal, Goldfinch, Eastern Phoebe, Carolina Wren, Song Sparrow, Black-capped, Chickadee and Osprey