100+ Popular Occupation Meaning In Hindi

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occupation meaning in Hindi

Occupation meaning in Hindi Language

Astronomer खगोलशास्त्री
Astrophysicist खगोलशास्त्री
Auctioneer नीलामकर्ता
Audio engineer ऑडियो इंजीनियर
Audiologist ऑडियोलॉजिस्ट
Auto mechanic ऑटो मैकेनिक
Autopsy technician ऑटोप्सी तकनीशियन
Aviation mechanic एविएशन मैकेनिक
Bailiff बेलीफ
Baker बेकर
Ballerina बैलेरिना
Bank teller बैंक टेलर
Barista बरिस्ता
Bartender बारटेंडर
Baseball coach बेसबॉल कोच
Baseball scout बेसबॉल स्काउट
Bassist बेसिस्ट
Beautician ब्यूटीशियन
Beekeeper मधुमक्खी पालक
Bellhop बेलहॉप
Bicycle mechanic साइकिल मैकेनिक
Bilingual interpreter द्विभाषी दुभाषिया
Biochemist बायोकेमिस्ट
Biologist जीवविज्ञानी
Biomedical engineer बायोमेडिकल इंजीनियर
Biophysicist बायोफिजिसिस्ट
Blacksmith लोहार
Blogger ब्लॉगर
Bodyguard अंगरक्षक
Book editor पुस्तक संपादक
Bookkeeper मुनीम
Botanist वनस्पति विज्ञानी
Boutique owner बुटीक का मालिक
Boxer बॉक्सर
Brain surgeon ब्रेन सर्जन
Brewer शराब बनानेवाला
Bricklayer राजमिस्त्री
Bridge engineer ब्रिज इंजीनियर
Broadcast journalist प्रसारण पत्रकार
Building inspector भवन निरीक्षक
Bus driver बस चालक
Business analyst व्यापार विश्लेषक
Butler बटलर
Cab driver कैब ड्राइवर
Calligrapher सुलेखक
Camera operator कैमरा ऑपरेटर
Candy maker कैंडी बनाने वाला
Cannabis grower भांग उगाने वाला
Cardiologist हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ
Cardiovascular technologist कार्डियोवास्कुलर टेक्नोलॉजिस्ट
Caregiver देखभाल करने वाला
Caricature artist कैरिकेचर कलाकार
Carpenter बढ़ई
Cartographer मानचित्रकार
Cartoonist कार्टूनिस्ट
Casino dealer कैसीनो डीलर
Cattle farmer पशुपालक
Ceramic artist सिरेमिक कलाकार
Certified financial planner प्रमाणित वित्तीय योजनाकार

Occupation Meaning 2023

Name Meaning Gender Religion
Accountant Accountant Male All
Actor Actor Male All
Archer Bowman Male All
Architect Architect Male All
Astronaut Astronaut Male All
Astronomer Astronomer Male All
Baker Baker Male All
Banker Banker Male All
Barber Barber Male All
Biologist Biologist Male All
Bookbinder Bookbinder Male All
Botanist Plant Scientist Male All
Brewer Beer Maker Male All
Butcher Meat Cutter Male All
Captain Captain Male All
Carpenter Woodworker Male All
Chef Chef Male All
Chemist Chemist Male All
Coach Coach Male All
Cobbler Shoemaker Male All
Cook Cook Male All
Cooper Barrel Maker Male All
Curator Curator Male All
Dentist Dentist Male All
Designer Designer Male All
Diplomat Diplomat Male All
Director Director Male All
Doctor Doctor Male All
Dyer Dyer Male All
Editor Editor Male All
Electrician Electrician Male All
Engineer Engineer Male All
Explorer Explorer Male All
Farmer Farmer Male All
Firefighter Firefighter Male All
Fisher Fisherman Male All
Fisherman Fisherman Male All
Gardener Gardener Male All
Gardiner Gardener Male All
Gardner Gardener Male All
Geologist Geologist Male All
Governor Governor Male All
Herder Herdsman Male All
Historian Historian Male All
Hunter Hunter Male All
Inspector Inspector Male All
Judge Judge Male All
Keeper Caretaker Male All
Lawyer Lawyer Male All
Librarian Librarian Male All
Linguist Linguist Male All
Lumberjack Woodcutter Male All
Mason Stone Worker Male All
Mechanic Mechanic Male All
Miller Miller Male All
Miner Miner Male All
Minister Minister Male All
Musician Musician Male All
Navigator Navigator Male All
Nurse Nurse Male All
Optician Optician Male All
Ornithologist Ornithologist Male All
Painter Painter Male All
Pastor Minister Male All
Pharmacist Pharmacist Male All
Philosopher Philosopher Male All
Photographer Photographer Male All
Pilot Pilot Male All
Plumber Plumber Male All
Poet Poet Male All
Politician Politician Male All
Potter Potter Male All
Professor Professor Male All
Programmer Programmer Male All
Psychologist Psychologist Male All
Rancher Rancher Male All
Researcher Researcher Male All
Sailor Sailor Male All
Sawyer Wood Cutter Male All
Scientist Scientist Male All
Sculptor Sculptor Male All
Senator Senator Male All
Shepard Shepherd Male All
Shoemaker Shoemaker Male All
Smith Metalworker Male All
Surgeon Surgeon Male All
Trailer Tailor Male All
Tailor Tailor Male All
Teacher Teacher Male All
Thatcher Roofer Male All
Tiller Farmer Male All
Translator Translator Male All
Veterinarian Veterinarian Male All
Waiter Waiter Male All
Weaver Weaver Male All
Wright Carpenter Male All
Writer Writer Male All