R Names For Girls | र से शुरू होने वाले लड़कियों के 100 Popular नाम

Trending R Names For Girls 2023

Rifaat Altitude, Height, High Girl Islam
Rifat  Happy Girl Islam
Rifaya Brilliance Girl Islam
Riffat  High Girl Islam
Rija Desire, Hope Girl Islam
Rijja Heavens beauty Girl Islam
Rimsha  Bunch of flowers Girl Islam
Rinaaz  Great Girl Islam
Rizqin Good fortune Girl Islam
Rizwana Beautiful, Guardian of heaven Girl Islam
Robina  Blessing with love, waterfall Girl Islam
Roha Beautiful Girl Islam
Rohaan A river in paradise Girl Islam
Roma  Truthful, honest, beautiful Girl Islam
Romana  Pomegranate; The fruit of Paradise Girl Islam
Romeesa Heavens beauty Girl Islam
Rona  Shining light Girl Islam
Roshini Light, noor Girl Islam
Roshni Light Girl Islam
Roushana  Light, Brightness Girl Islam
Ruaa  Invisible Girl Islam
Rubaba  Rose Girl Islam
Rubi Red gem Girl Islam
Rubina Blessed with love, a waterfall Girl Islam
Rubiya  Spring season Girl Islam
Rudainah  Old Arabic Name Girl Islam
Ruhab  The one who brings happiness Girl Islam
Ruhee Soul Girl Islam
Ruhi  Soul Girl Islam
Ruhina Sweet fragrance Girl Islam
Rukayat One daughter of the Prophet Girl Islam
Rukhsaar  Cheek, Face Girl Islam
Rukhsana Beautiful Girl Islam
Rukhsar Cheek Girl Islam
Ruksana Beautiful, Persian princess Girl Islam
Ruksha  Beautiful Girl Islam
Rumaisa  Bunch of flowers Girl Islam
Rumana Romantic, loving Girl Islam
Rumeha Beautiful Stone Girl Islam
Ruqaya Daughter of the Prophet (SAW) Girl Islam
Ruqayya One daughter of the Prophet (SAW) Girl Islam
Ruqayyah One daughter of the Prophet Girl Islam
Ruquaiya One daughter of the Prophet Girl Islam
Rushda Knowledge, true path, guidance Girl Islam

What Are The Best R Names For Girls?

The best R names for girls are Ruqaya,  Rukhsana, Rasheeda, Rizwana, Roushni, Robina, Rohana, and Rabia.

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