Class 3 English Question Paper That Will Help Your Kids

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stion papers for your sons, daughters, or students read in class 3, you are right place.

Here we have prepared the Class 3 English Question Paper for the second periodic test under the CBSE board. Read the questions and help the students. Also, we have attached a PDF format you can download and give it directly to your sons.

class 3 English question paper 2023

A. Write T for True or F for False.

  1. Every animal in the forest ran away and hid when the leopard came.
  2. The leopard was not surprised to see the mongoose.
  3. The mongoose said the animals were scared of him.
  4. The mongoose told the leopard to walk behind him.
  5. All the animals ran away when the mongoose walked with the leopard behind him.
  6. Initially, the leopard didn’t believe that the animals were afraid of the mongoose.

B. Choose the correct option.

At the beginning of the story, the animals talk about ——————————

a. where the sun goes at night b. why the leopard is scary          C. How to get food

2. The leopard got angry with the mongoose because ————————-

a. the mongoose scared him                      b.  the mongoose didn’t hide in fear       

c. the mongoose didn’t share food

3. The mongoose said ———————-

a. the animals were scared of him, too

b. the leopard should run and hide              C. He would leave the forest

4. The mongoose —————————— the leopard at the end of the story.

a. lost to               b. tricked             C. was angry with

5. The leopard ——————-  and left the forest.

a.  bowed his head          b. attacked the mongoose           C. roared loudly

C. All four words in the help box are related to fear. Use them to correctly fill

  1. I don’t like to sleep with the lights off. I am —————- of the dark.
  2. Would you run away in ——————– if you were facing a lion?
  3. I faced my ————————- of dogs and tried to play with my friend’s pet puppy.
  4. My brother tried to  ——————- me by telling me ghost stories at night.
Fear afraid fright Scare

class 3 English question answers (CBSE)

Class 3 English Question Paper for the second periodic test under the CBSE board
Class 3 English Question Paper for the second periodic test under the CBSE board

D. Complete these sentences. Use the words from the box.

the holy man        treasure merchant       greed                    left         right       Abdullah              camels
  1. Abdullah was —————— and made a good Iiving.
  2. Abdullah had 80 ——————————————-.
  3. —————————— told him about a land of treasure.
  4. Abdullah begged to go to the ——————————-.
  5. ————————– didn’t want to share the treasure.
  6. The holy man knew that Abdullah was full of————.
  7. Abdullah rubbed the powder on his ——————- eyelid as well and went blind.
  8. The holy man told Abdullah to rub powder only on his —————–eyelid.

E. Answer these questions.

1. When Abdullah met the holy man at the inn, he agreed to the holy man’s condition to divide the treasure in half. Do you think he was telling the truth? What do you think was he really thinking at that time?

2. Are Abdullah and the holy man similar to or different from each other? Give reasons for your answer.

3. Do you think we should be happy with what we have or should we always try to get something better? Give reasons for your answer.

F. Choose one word to describe each person.

Ordinary              Furious                                Jealous                weak                     Loyal

  1. I’m not happy. I am very angry!   ————————————————
  2. I don’t like it when you play with other friends. ——————————–
  3. l am not very strong. I cannot carry this bag. ————————————
  4. I will always take care of my family. ————————————————
  5. l am like everybody else. There is nothing special about me. —————–

class 3 English Question Sample Paper

Class 3 English Question Paper for the second periodic test under the CBSE board
Class 3 English Question Paper for the second periodic test under the CBSE board

G. Use in, on, or at to fill in the blanks.

  1. We go for a walk every evening ———- five o’clock.
  2. Mina will leave for Delhi———- Tuesday.
  3. It is always very cold ———- January.
  4. There are 31 days ———- December.
  5. ———- my birthday, I will have a lot of fun.
  6. We are going to have a class ———- Geography.
  7. I reach home ———- quarter past four every day.
  8. l am busy doing homework—————–  the evening.

H. Write the Poem (The Backwards Bop Rap)  6 lines.

I. Answer these questions.

  1. Does Bob change his brother’s name? Why?
  2. Why doesn’t Bob change Mom and Dad?

J. Answer these quizzes in one word:-

  1. A baby dog
  2. Midday
  3. The short form of sister
  4. One of your sense organs
  5. The short form of evening
  6. A very young child
  7. A religious woman who lives in a convent
  8. A word of exclamation

K. Rearrange the letters into meaningful words:-

  1.  REHTOM              ——————————–
  2. NISUOC                ——————————–
  3. ELCNU                  ——————————–
  4. REHTAFDNARG ——————————–
  5. REHTOMDNARG   ——————————–
  6. TNUA                    ——————————–
  7. WEHPEN               ——————————–
  8. NOSDNARG          ——————————–
  9. REHTORB               ——————————–
  10. ECEIN                    ——————————–
  11. RETHGUAD           ——————————–
  12. WAL-NI-RETSIS ——————————–

class 3 sample paper English For 2nd Periodic Test

Class 3 English Question Paper for the second periodic test under the CBSE board
Class 3 English Question Paper for the second periodic test under the CBSE board

class 3 English question paper pdf (2nd Periodic Test)