200+ Popular And Fantasy Names for Boys and girls

Discover a treasure trove of enchanting fantasy names for boys

and girls. Whether you seek noble knights or mystical maidens, our collection of fantasy names is sure to captivate and inspire. Find the perfect name to bring your fantastical characters to life in novels or any creative endeavor. Let the realm of fantasy unfold before your eyes with our captivating selection of names for boys and girls.
Fantasy Names for Boys
Name Meaning Gender Religion
Aaric Noble ruler Male Fantasy
Abaddon Destruction Male Fantasy
Abner Father of light Male Biblical
Acelin Little noble one Male Fantasy
Adair Oak tree ford Male Fantasy
Adrik Dark one Male Fantasy
Aedan Little fire Male Fantasy
Aegis Protector Male Fantasy
Aelius Sun Male Fantasy
Aeron Berry Male Fantasy
Aether Upper air, ether Male Fantasy
Ailill Sprite, mischief-maker Male Fantasy
Alaric Ruler of all Male Fantasy
Alden Old friend Male Fantasy
Aldric Wise ruler Male Fantasy
Alistair Defender of man Male Fantasy
Alvar Elf warrior Male Fantasy
Amadeus Love of God Male Fantasy
Ambrose Immortal Male Fantasy
Anselm God’s protection Male Fantasy
Archer Bowman Male Fantasy
Aric Ruler of all Male Fantasy
Arlo Fortified hill Male Fantasy
Armand Army man Male Fantasy
Arnald Eagle power Male Fantasy
Arvid Eagle tree Male Fantasy
Asger Spear of God Male Fantasy
Athelstan Noble stone Male Fantasy
Augustus Great, magnificent Male Fantasy
Auric Golden Male Fantasy
Avalon Island of apples Male Fantasy
Aven Fair, beautiful Male Fantasy
Aziel God is my strength Male Fantasy
Azriel God is my help Male Fantasy
Baldric Bold ruler Male Fantasy
Barak Flash of lightning Male Fantasy
Bardon Minstrel, poet Male Fantasy
Barnabas Son of consolation Male Biblical
Bartholomew Son of the furrow Male Biblical
Basilio Royal, kingly Male Fantasy
Bastian Venerable, majestic Male Fantasy
Beckett Dweller by the brook Male Fantasy
Benedict Blessed Male Fantasy
Beorn Bear Male Fantasy
Beowulf Intelligent wolf Male Fantasy
Beric Ruler of all Male Fantasy
Bertram Bright raven Male Fantasy
Bertrand Bright raven Male Fantasy
Blaise Stutterer Male Fantasy
Blythe Happy, carefree Male Fantasy
Boris Battle, fight Male Fantasy
Bran Raven Male Fantasy
Brandr Sword Male Fantasy
Breccan Freckled Male Fantasy
Brennan Little raven Male Fantasy
Cadmus From the east Male Fantasy
Cadoc Battle glory Male Fantasy
Caelan Powerful warrior Male Fantasy
Caius Rejoice Male Fantasy
Caliban Black Male Fantasy
Callum Dove Male Fantasy
Cargan Little rock Male Fantasy
Carwyn Blessed love Male Fantasy
Casimir Proclaimer of peace Male Fantasy
Cassius Vain, empty Male Fantasy
Cedric Kindly ruler Male Fantasy
Ceryn Love Male Fantasy
Chadwick Warrior Male Fantasy
Charlton Town of free men Male Fantasy
Chester Camp of soldiers Male Fantasy
Cillian Strife, battle Male Fantasy
Claudius Lame Male Fantasy
Cleon Glorious Male Fantasy
Colwyn Young hound Male Fantasy
Conan Little wolf Male Fantasy
Corbin Raven Male Fantasy
Corin Spear Male Fantasy
Cormac Son of defilement Male Fantasy
Cornelius Horn Male Biblical
Cosmo Order, beauty Male Fantasy
Cyprian From Cyprus Male Fantasy
Cyrus Sun Male Fantasy
Dacian Of the nobility Male Fantasy
Dagmar Day’s glory Male Fantasy
Damon To tame Male Fantasy
Darian Upholder of the good Male Fantasy
Darius Wealthy protector Male Fantasy
Dashiell Messenger, herald Male Fantasy
Decimus Tenth Male Fantasy
Demetrius Devoted to Demeter Male Fantasy
Destrian War horse Male Fantasy
Dimitri Earth-lover Male Fantasy
Donatello Gift of God Male Fantasy
Donovan Dark warrior Male Fantasy
Dorian Descendant of Dorus Male Fantasy
Drake Dragon Male Fantasy
Duncan Dark warrior Male Fantasy
Durin Firm Male Fantasy
Ebenezer Stone of help Male Biblical
Edgar Rich spear Male Fantasy
Edmund Prosperous protector Male Fantasy
Edwin Rich friend Male Fantasy
Eirwyn White snow Male Fantasy
Elbert Noble, bright Male Fantasy
Eldric Wise ruler Male Fantasy
Emeric Work ruler Male Fantasy
Emrys Immortal, divine Male Fantasy
Endymion To dive in Male Fantasy
Enzo Ruler of the household Male Fantasy
Ephraim Fruitful Male Biblical
Erasmus Beloved Male Fantasy
Eryndor Valley of the eagle Male Fantasy
Esmond Graceful protection Male Fantasy
Euan Born of yew tree Male Fantasy
Eugenius Well-born Male Fantasy
Evander Good man Male Fantasy
Everett Brave as a wild boar Male Fantasy
Ezekiel God strengthens Male Biblical
Fabian Bean grower Male Fantasy
Falco Falcon Male Fantasy
Felix Happy Male Fantasy
Ferdinand Adventurous journey Male Fantasy
Finnian Fair, white Male Fantasy
Florian Flourishing Male Fantasy
Flynn Son of the red-haired one Male Fantasy
Forbes Field Male Fantasy
Fosco Dark-haired Male Fantasy
Frederick Peaceful ruler Male Fantasy
Galahad Purest of the knights Male Fantasy
Gannon Fair-skinned Male Fantasy
Garrick Spear ruler Male Fantasy
Gawain White hawk Male Fantasy
Geraint Old Male Fantasy
Gideon Feller, hewer Male Biblical
Gilbert Bright pledge Male Fantasy
Godfrey God’s peace Male Fantasy
Godric God ruler Male Fantasy
Goliath Uncovered Male Biblical
Gordon Spacious fort Male Fantasy
Gwaine White hawk Male Fantasy
Hadrian Dark Male Fantasy
Halvar Rock defender Male Fantasy
Hamish Supplanter Male Fantasy
Harland Army land Male Fantasy
Harlow Army hill Male Fantasy
Harper Harp player Male Fantasy
Harrington Town of Harry Male Fantasy
Harris Son of Harry Male Fantasy
Harrison Son of Harry Male Fantasy
Hartley Deer meadow Male Fantasy
Hawthorne Thorny hedge Male Fantasy
Hector Holding fast Male Fantasy
Helios Sun god Male Fantasy
Hendrick Ruler of the home Male Fantasy
Henry Ruler of the household Male Fantasy
Herald Army ruler Male Fantasy
Horatio Man of time Male Fantasy
Hugo Mind, intellect Male Fantasy
Humphrey Peaceful warrior Male Fantasy
Ignatius Fiery one Male Fantasy
Ingrid Ing’s beauty Male Fantasy
Inigo Ardent, fiery Male Fantasy
Ira Watchful Male Fantasy
Irving Friend of the sea Male Fantasy
Isidore Gift of Isis Male Fantasy
Ivan God is gracious Male Fantasy
Ivar Yew warrior Male Fantasy
Jareth Blend of Jared and Gareth Male Fantasy
Jasper Treasurer Male Fantasy
Jedidiah Beloved of God Male Biblical
Jerrick Strong ruler Male Fantasy
Julius Youthful, downy Male Fantasy
Junius Young Male Fantasy
Kael Mighty warrior Male Fantasy
Kaius Rejoice Male Fantasy
Kellan Slender Male Fantasy
Kendrick Royal power Male Fantasy
Kenrick Royal power Male Fantasy
Kieran Dark-haired Male Fantasy
Killian Strife, battle Male Fantasy
Klaus Victorious people Male Fantasy
Knightley Wood clearing Male Fantasy
Korbinian Crow Male Fantasy
Lancelot Servant land Male Fantasy
Leander Lion man Male Fantasy
Leofric Beloved ruler Male Fantasy
Leopold Brave people Male Fantasy
Linus Flax Male Fantasy
Llewellyn Leader Male Fantasy
Lucian Light Male Fantasy
Ludovic Famous warrior Male Fantasy
Lysander Liberator of men Male Fantasy
Magnus Great Male Fantasy
Malachi My messenger Male Biblical
Malcolm Devotee of Saint Columba Male Fantasy
Mallory Unfortunate Male Fantasy
Marcellus Young warrior Male Fantasy
Marcus Warlike Male Fantasy
Marius Of Mars Male Fantasy
Matthias Gift of God Male Biblical
Maximus Greatest Male Fantasy
Melchior King Male Biblical
Merlin Sea fortress Male Fantasy
Montgomery Mountain of the hunter Male Fantasy
Mortimer Dead sea Male Fantasy
Nathaniel Gift of God Male Biblical
Nemo Nobody Male Fantasy
Neville New town Male Fantasy
Niall Champion Male Fantasy
Nigel Dark cloud Male Fantasy
Nikolai Victory of the people Male Fantasy
Oberon Noble bear Male Fantasy
Octavius Eighth Male Fantasy
Odhran Pale green Male Fantasy
Oisin Little deer Male Fantasy
Orlando Famous throughout the land Male Fantasy
Orpheus Darkness Male Fantasy
Osbert Divine, bright Male Fantasy
Oswald God’s power Male Fantasy
Otto Wealthy Male Fantasy
Percival Pierce the valley Male Fantasy
Peregrine Pilgrim, traveler Male Fantasy
Perseus Destroyer Male Fantasy
Phineas Oracle, serpent Male Biblical
Piers Rock Male Fantasy
Preston Priest’s estate Male Fantasy
Prosper Successful Male Fantasy
Quillan Cub Male Fantasy
Quintus Fifth Male Fantasy
Radagast Tender joy Male Fantasy
Radcliffe Red cliff Male Fantasy
Ragnar Army adviser Male Fantasy
Rainer Army counsel Male Fantasy
Randolph Shield-wolf Male Fantasy
Raphael God has healed Male Biblical
Rasmus Beloved Male Fantasy
Reginald Mighty ruler Male Fantasy
Remus Oar Male Fantasy
Rex King Male Fantasy
Rhett Advice, counsel Male Fantasy
Richard Brave ruler Male Fantasy
Ridley Reed meadow Male Fantasy