40+ Popular pregnancy symptoms in hindi | गर्भावस्था के लक्षण

Getting detailed information about the pregnancy symptoms and signs is important to your health and care. Our website www.muslimbabiesname.co

m will give you detailed information about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy in this post.

Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs

There are many changes in the body of a woman During pregnancy time. due to which she knows about her pregnancy. These changes may manifest as signs and symptoms. Following are some important signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

The first week of pregnancy

  • The first week of pregnancy begins after the end of menstruation.
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, you may sometimes-
  • The first week of pregnancy begins after the end of menstruation.
  • You may need to urinate a little more frequently In the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Some women may experience dry skin, fatigue, or forehead pain.
  • There may also be signs of a hole in the chest or swelling.
  • Women may also experience mild nausea and vomiting.
  • You may feel tired and nauseous.

The second and third months of pregnancy

  • The symptoms of pregnancy change during these months.
  • Your belly may grow and you may gain weight.
  • There can be fatigue and dizziness in the body.
  • Skin inflammation, lice, and dandruff problems can also occur.
  • You may complain of vomiting and nausea.pregnancy symptoms

Fourth and fifth months of pregnancy symptoms

  • During these months, there are further changes in your pregnancy symptoms.
  • Your belly may grow and you may feel your baby’s heartbeat.
  • There may be problems of pain or pressure in the lower and upper abdomen.
  • You may complain of high blood pressure, headache, and dizziness During these months.
  • Sleep problems may be due to increased loneliness or anxiety.

Other important pregnancy symptoms

The symptoms of pregnancy can be not only physical but also its effects mental and emotional too. Here we are giving detailed information about other important symptoms of pregnancy:

nausea and vomiting

  • Nausea and vomiting can be a problem in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • It is usually felt more in the morning.
  • Usually, it is associated with certain foods or
  • Nausea and vomiting can be a problem in the first starting time of pregnancy.
  • It is usually felt more in the morning.
  • Usually, it is associated with certain foods or smells.
  • Consuming protein-rich beverages can be beneficial in case of vomiting or excessive vomiting.
  • While eating healthy, avoid foods that can harm your baby’s health.

Changes in urine

  • During pregnancy, changes can also occur in the urinary system.
  • You may need to urinate frequently and feel uncomfortable when you urinate.
  • In case of a burning sensation or blood in the urine, a doctor should be contacted immediately.

Stress and sleep

  • Stress can be experienced during pregnancy which can make you anxious.
  • Hence, regular practice of yoga and meditation can bring you peace and calmness.
  • Makes you feel comfortable.
  • Sleep problems can also trouble you.
  • Practice yoga and meditation regularly to keep the mind calm and relaxed.

Important precautions in pregnancy

There are some important precautions you must take during pregnancy. Here we are telling you about these precautions:

Healthy meal

  • Eating a healthy diet is the most important during pregnancy.
  • Eat nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein-rich foods.
  • Avoid fried, spicy, and unhealthy food.

Yoga and exercise

  • Yoga and exercise during pregnancy are healthy.
  • Do yoga like Surya Namaskar, Pranayama, Kegel exercise.
  • However, do not do this without the advice of a doctor, and always exercise in limited amounts.

Routine medical examination

  • It is very important to have regular medical check-ups during pregnancy.
  • Regular medical check-ups during pregnancy monitor your health and detect any problems.
  • Visit your doctor regularly for your medical check-up.

Regular rest

  • Regular rest is very important during pregnancy.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep and take some time out during the day to rest.
  • Don’t worry about sleep, if you are not able to sleep then some yoga and meditation exercises can be done.

Harmonious asanas can be done during pregnancy.

Yoga and meditation during pregnancy are very beneficial for health. The following asanas can be performed during pregnancy.


  • This asana relieves back pain.
  • Also, it helps in maintaining the stability of the currency.