300 Popular Assamese girl name with meanings

Find the perfect name for your little one from our selection of adorable and lovely Assamese girl names. Investigate the origins and importance of each na

me. Find the ideal name that honors Assam’s history. Explore a number of popular Assamese female names and revel in the state’s rich linguistic and cultural variety.

Assames Girl Names

Presented by muslimbabiesname.com

cute Assamese girl name

Name Meaning Gender Religion
Abhilaasha Aspiration Female Hindu
Banhishikha Flame of the forest Female Hindu
Chandraprabha Moonlight Female Hindu
Dhrubajyoti Eternal light Female Hindu
Eshita Desired Female Hindu
Fulamoni Flower-like Female Hindu
Gabhasti Sunshine Female Hindu
Ice Mountain Ice mountain Female Hindu
Indrani Wife of Lord Indra Female Hindu
Jonak Firefly Female Hindu
Kankana Bracelet Female Hindu
Lavanya Grace Female Hindu
Madhurima Sweetness Female Hindu
Namrata Humility Female Hindu
Oormila Daughter of Urmila Female Hindu
Parijat Heavenly flower Female Hindu
Quilika Melodious Female Hindu
Ruprekha Beautiful line Female Hindu
Subhadra Auspicious Female Hindu
Tithira Chirping of birds Female Hindu

best Assamese girl name

Ujjwala Bright Female Hindu
Vasundhara Earth Female Hindu
Washila Charming Female Hindu
Xewali Moonlight Female Hindu
Yashomati Fame and honor Female Hindu
Zubeida Excellent Female Hindu
Arundhati Morning star Female Hindu
Barsha Rain Female Hindu
Charulata Beautiful creeper Female Hindu
Dimpy Friendly Female Hindu
Elina Pure Female Hindu
Farhana Happy Female Hindu
Gulapi Rosy-cheeked Female Hindu
Himangi Ice-clad Female Hindu
Ilisha Queen of the Earth Female Hindu
Jahnabi River Ganga Female Hindu
Kavya Poetry Female Hindu
Labanya Beauty Female Hindu
Malaya Fragrant Female Hindu
Niharika Dew drop Female Hindu

Traditional Assamese Girl Names

Assamese Name Meaning Female Hindu
Aanya Graceful Female Hindu
Binita Modest Female Hindu
Chitrangada Beautiful picture Female Hindu
Disha Direction Female Hindu
Eshana Longing Female Hindu
Falguni Born in the month of Falgun (Spring) Female Hindu
Gargee Melodious Female Hindu
Harshita Joyous Female Hindu
Ipsita Desired Female Hindu

Modern and Unique Assamese Names for Girls

Jahnabi Name of a river (Ganga) Female Hindu
Kriti Creation Female Hindu
Lavisha Luminous Female Hindu
Manisha Intellect Female Hindu
Niyomi Regular Female Hindu
Oindrila Name of a mountain Female Hindu
Parnika A small leaf Female Hindu
Quinonee Energetic Female Hindu
Rijuta Honest Female Hindu
Samriddhi Prosperity Female Hindu
Tanushree Beautiful Female Hindu
Upasana Worship Female Hindu
Vrishti Rain Female Hindu
Writisha Creator Female Hindu
Xitara Music Female Hindu
Yuktika Multi-talented Female Hindu
Zerifa Morning dew Female Hindu
Aaratrika Dusk Female Hindu
Bhavna Feelings Female Hindu
Diksha Initiation Female Hindu
Elisha One goddess Female Hindu
Falisha Joyful Female Hindu
Gitanjali Offering of songs Female Hindu
Hanisha Beautiful night Female Hindu
Ilisha Queen of the Earth Female Hindu
Janhavi Daughter of river Ganga Female Hindu
Kavya Poem Female Hindu
Leesha Dwelling place Female Hindu
Minakshi Fish-eyed Female Hindu
Niharika Dewdrop Female Hindu
Oorja Energy Female Hindu
Preetisha Lover Female Hindu
Qian Modest Female Hindu
Riddhima Prosperity Female Hindu
Sanya Unique Female Hindu
Tanisha Ambition Female Hindu
Udyama Effort Female Hindu
Vanya Gracious Female Hindu
Wamika Purity Female Hindu
Xara Princess Female Hindu

Meaningful Assamese Girl Names and Their Meanings

Assamese Name Meaning Female Hindu
Anwesha Quest Female Hindu
Bristi Rain Female Hindu
Chirantani Eternal fire Female Hindu
Dipannita One who spreads light Female Hindu
Ekkani Singular Female Hindu
Faiyaz Artistic Female Hindu
Gabhasti Sunshine Female Hindu
Hridika Heartfelt Female Hindu
Indulekha Moon’s lustre Female Hindu
Jivika Source of life Female Hindu
Konthoujam Graceful Female Hindu
Luitporia River-lover Female Hindu
Monisha Intellectual Female Hindu
Nilaruna Blue moon Female Hindu
Oormila Daughter of Urmila Female Hindu
Pahari Mountainous Female Hindu
Quilika Melodious Female Hindu

Top 20 Assamese Names for Girls

Rijul Innocent Female Hindu
Subarnarekha Golden line Female Hindu
Tithira Chirping of birds Female Hindu
Udyama Effort Female Hindu
Vritti Nature Female Hindu
Wrishti Creation Female Hindu
Xorokhiya Fragrant Female Hindu
Yanik Unique Female Hindu
Zubeida Excellent Female Hindu
Aaratrika Dusk Female Hindu
Bhumika Earthly Female Hindu
Chaitanya Consciousness Female Hindu
Dronacharya Teacher of warriors Female Hindu
Elakshi With intelligent eyes Female Hindu
Faguni Beautiful Female Hindu
Ghanistha Rainy season Female Hindu
Hemakshi Golden-eyed Female Hindu
Indrakshi One with beautiful eyes Female Hindu
Jyotipriya Beloved of light Female Hindu
Kshipra Swift Female Hindu

Assamese Names with Beautiful Pronunciations

Assamese Name Meaning Female Hindu
Ambika Goddess Parvati Female Hindu
Bishnu Goddess Lakshmi Female Hindu
Chandrakanta Moonstone Female Hindu
Dharmalata Creeper of Dharma Female Hindu

Short and Sweet Assamese Girl Names

Ekanwita Golden Mountain Female Hindu
Fuleswari Goddess of flowers Female Hindu
Gopika Cowherd girl Female Hindu
Hemadri A devotee of Lord Krishna Female Hindu
Indrani Wife of Lord Indra Female Hindu
Jonaki Firefly Female Hindu
Kamalika Lotus-like Female Hindu
Lachitabai Historic figure Female Hindu
Madhabika Devotee of Lord Krishna Female Hindu
Namrata Humility Female Hindu
Oja Daughter Female Hindu
Parvati Goddess Parvati Female Hindu
Queen Hengulabati Historical queen Female Hindu
Rajani Night Female Hindu
Sukapha Founder of Ahom dynasty Female Hindu
Tirtha Holy place Female Hindu
Usha Dawn Female Hindu
Vidyavati Knowledgeable Female Hindu
Wasundhara Earth Female Hindu
Xatradhani Devotee of a spiritual movement Female Hindu

Assamese Names with Strong Meanings

Yajna Sacrifice Female Hindu
Zubeida Excellent Female Hindu
Assamkumari Daughter of Assam Female Hindu
Bihu Assamese festival Female Hindu
Chaolung Sukaphaa Ahom dynasty founder Female Hindu
Dibrugarh Historic city Female Hindu
Elara Historical figure Female Hindu
Farhana Happy Female Hindu
Gaurisuta Son of Goddess Gauri Female Hindu
Hingulal Red gemstone Female Hindu
Itakhuli Historical hill Female Hindu
Jaleshwari Goddess of water Female Hindu
Kamala Miri Folk artist Female Hindu
Luit Brahmaputra River Female Hindu
Mughdha Enchanting Female Hindu
Nartaki Dancer Female Hindu
Orang Historical site Female Hindu
Pragjyotika Ancient name for Assam Female Hindu
Queen Boraicha Historical queen Female Hindu
Sivasagar Historic town Female Hindu

Assamese Royal Girl Names from the Ahom Dynasty

Assamese Name Meaning Female Hindu
Amrita Immortal Female Hindu
Bhavya Grand Female Hindu
Chitrangi Beautiful figure Female Hindu
Divyanshi Divine part Female Hindu
Eshika An arrow Female Hindu
Falguni Born in the month of Falgun (Spring) Female Hindu
Gaurangi Fair-complexioned Female Hindu
Hamsika Goddess Saraswati Female Hindu
Ishita Desired Female Hindu
Jyotsana Radiant Female Hindu
Kirti Fame Female Hindu
Laxmi Goddess of wealth Female Hindu
Madhavi Springtime Female Hindu
Nandita Happy Female Hindu
Ojal Splendor Female Hindu
Pranjalika Modest Female Hindu
Quinonee Energetic Female Hindu
Rupashi Beautiful Female Hindu
Suvrata Dedicated to good conduct Female Hindu
Trishala Mother of Lord Mahavira Female Hindu
Upasana Worship Female Hindu
Vrishti Rain Female Hindu
Waheeda Unique Female Hindu
Xara Princess Female Hindu
Yajna Sacred offering Female Hindu
Zinal Ray of light Female Hindu
Anugraha Blessing Female Hindu
Bhuvaneshwari Goddess of the universe Female Hindu
Chaitanya Consciousness Female Hindu
Divya Divine Female Hindu
Ekaparnika Goddess Durga Female Hindu
Falisha Joyful Female Hindu
Gajalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi with elephant-like eyes Female Hindu

Perfect Assamese Name for Your Daughter

Hemangi Golden-limbed Female Hindu
Isha Goddess Female Hindu
Jnana Knowledge Female Hindu
Kamakshi Desired-eyed Female Hindu
Lajwanti Shy Female Hindu
Medha Intellect Female Hindu
Nandini Delightful Female Hindu
Omkara Sacred syllable “Om” Female Hindu
Praniti Guidance Female Hindu
Rajani Night Female Hindu
Surya Sun Female Hindu
Tanvi Slender Female Hindu
Ujjwala Bright Female Hindu
Vanya Forest Female Hindu
Yamuna Sacred river Yamuna Female Hindu
Zara Blossom Female Hindu