500 Popular Muslim Baby Names | मुस्लिम बच्चों के नाम अर्थ के साथ

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Meaningful Muslim Baby Names


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on choosing meaningful Muslim baby names! At [muslimbabiesname.com], we understand the importance of selecting a name that reflects your faith, values, and cultural heritage. Our aim On this website is to provide you with valuable content, tips, and suggestions to help you make a decision and find the perfect name for your new-born baby.

Understanding the Significance of Muslim Baby Names

Muslim Baby Names

In Islam, names play a special impact on an individual’s identity and character. Choosing a meaningful Muslim baby name is not merely about selecting a word, but rather about embracing the spiritual and cultural significance behind it. A well-thought-out name can inspire positive qualities, foster a sense of belonging, and connect your child to their Muslim heritage.

Exploring Traditional and Modern Muslim Names

Traditional Muslim Baby Names

Traditional Muslim baby names are deeply rooted in Islamic history, with many derived from the Quran or associated with notable figures in Islamic culture. These names often have beautiful meanings and can serve as a reminder of the faith’s teachings. Some popular traditional Muslim baby names for boys and girls include:

Muhammad: Meaning “praised” or “praiseworthy,” Muhammad is the name of the last Prophet in Islam.
Ahmed: Derived from the Arabic word for “praise” or “commendation,” Ahmed signifies gratitude towards Allah.

Fatima: A name associated with purity and abundance, Fatima was the daughter of Prophet Muhammad and holds a significant place in Islamic history.
Maryam: Derived from the name of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Maryam symbolizes purity and devotion.

Name Meaning Gender Religion
Aaban Name of the angel Boy Islam
Aabid Worshipper of Allah Boy Islam
Aadeel just’ or ‘upright’ Boy Islam
Aadhil one whose actions are just and fair. Boy Islam
Aadil Justice Boy Islam
Aadroop an embodiment of the Sun Boy Islam
Aaftab brilliance of the Sun Boy Islam
Aahil Prince Boy Islam
Aalam World Boy Islam
Aalim a man of wise learning Boy Islam
Aaman The man who protects with no fear Boy Islam
Aamir Populous, full, prosperous Boy Islam
Aaqib Follower Boy Islam
Aaqil Intelligent Boy Islam
Aarif Knowing, aware Boy Islam
Aaris who stands up for his faith and belief Boy Islam
Aariz Respectable man, intelligent Boy Islam
Aashif   Boy Islam
Aashif Bold, courageous Boy Islam
Aashir Living Boy Islam
Aasif An able minister Boy Islam
Aasim Protector Boy Islam
Aatif Kind Affectionate Boy Islam
Aazim Determined Boy Islam
Abaan Clear, eloquent Boy Islam
Abaan Old Arabic name Boy Islam
Abaharan Sea Boy Islam
Aban Old Arabic name Boy Islam
Abbas Description of a lion Boy Islam
Abbas Lion; Muhammad’s uncle Boy Islam
Abbu father Boy Islam
Abbud Worshipper Boy Islam
Abbud Worshipper Boy Islam
Abbudin Worshippers Boy Islam

Unique Muslim Baby Names

Abbudin Worshippers Boy Islam
Abd Al-Ala Slave of the High Boy Islam
Abdalla A servant of god Boy Islam
Abdallah A servant of god Boy Islam
Abdallah slave of God Boy Islam
Abdalrahman Servant of the merciful one Boy Islam
Abdar Glittering with water; wealthy Boy Islam
Abdel Servant (of Allah) Boy Islam
Abdellah A servant of god Boy Islam
Abdu Lrazzad He who obeys his provider Boy Islam
Abdu- Rashid The one who serves his teacher Boy Islam
Abdul Servant of Allah Boy Islam
Abdul Aalee Servant of the Most High Boy Islam
Abdul Adil Servant of ‘The One who acts justly; Boy Islam
Abdul Adl Servant of the Just Boy Islam
Abdul Afuw Slave of the one who pardons Boy Islam
Abdul Ahad Servant of the One Boy Islam
Abdul Aleem Servant of the Omniscient Boy Islam
Abdul Ali Slave of the High one Boy Islam
Abdul Alim Servant of the Omniscient Boy Islam
Abdul Aliyy Servant of the Most High Boy Islam
Abdul Awwal Slave of the First One Boy Islam
Abdul Azeez The servant of the most powerful Boy Islam
Abdul Azim Servant of the Mighty Boy Islam
Abdul Aziz Servant of the Powerful (Dear) One Boy Islam
Abdul Baari Servant of the Creator Boy Islam
Abdul Baasit Servant of the Extender and Creator Boy Islam
Abdul Badi Servant of the Incomparable Boy Islam
Abdul Baith Servant of the Resurrector Boy Islam
Abdul Baqi Servant of the Everlasting Boy Islam
Abdul Bari Servant of the Creator Boy Islam
Abdul Barr Servant of the Source of All Goodness Boy Islam
Abdul Baseer Slave of the All-seeing Boy Islam
Abdul Basir Servant of the All Seeing Boy Islam
Abdul Basit Servant of the Extender Boy Islam
Abdul Batin Slave of the unseen Boy Islam
Abdul Fattah Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance) Boy Islam

Modern Muslim Baby Names

Abdul Ghafaar Servant of the Forgiver Boy Islam
Abdul Ghaffar Servant of the Forgiver Boy Islam
Abdul Ghafoor Servant of the Forgiver Boy Islam
Abdul Ghafur Servant of the Forgiving Boy Islam
Abdul Ghani Servant of the Self Sufficient Boy Islam
Abdul Hadi Servant of the Guide Boy Islam
Abdul Hafeez Slave of the Protector Boy Islam
Abdul Hafiz Servant of the Protector Boy Islam
Abdul Hakam Servant of the Arbitrator Boy Islam
Abdul Hakeem A servant of Allah who helps people and is a pious servant of God. Boy Islam
Abdul Hakeem Servant of the Wise Boy Islam
Abdul Hakim Servant of the Wise One Boy Islam
Abdul Haleem Servant of the Mild and Patient Boy Islam
Abdul Halim Servant of the Patient One Boy Islam
Abdul Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised Boy Islam
Abdul Hamid Servant of the Praised One Boy Islam
Abdul Hannan Slave of the Merciful Boy Islam
Abdul Haq Servant of the Truth Boy Islam
Abdul Haqq One who serves the truth Boy Islam
Abdul Haseeb Servant of the Respected and Esteemed Boy Islam
Abdul Hasib Servant of the Respected, Esteemed Boy Islam
Abdul Hayy Servant of the Living Boy Islam
Abdul Jabaar Servant of the Mighty Boy Islam
Abdul Jabbar Servant of the Compeller Boy Islam
Abdul Jaleel Servant of the Great and Revered Boy Islam
Abdul Jalil Servant of the Great, Revered One Boy Islam
Abdul Jawwad Slave of the Bountiful Boy Islam
Abdul Kabir Slave of the Great Boy Islam
Abdul Kareem Servant of the Noble and Generous Boy Islam
Abdul Karim Servant of the Noble, Generous One Boy Islam
Abdul Khabir Servant of the Aware Boy Islam
Abdul Khaliq Servant of the Creator Boy Islam
Abdul Lateef Servant of the Kind Boy Islam
Abdul Latif Servant of the Kind One Boy Islam
Abdul Maajid Slave of the Excellence Boy Islam
Abdul Maalik Slave of the Master, the Lord Boy Islam
Abdul Majeed A gracious servant of Allah Boy Islam

Arabic Muslim Baby Names

Abdul Majid Servant of the Glorious One Boy Islam
Abdul Malik Servant of the Master (or King) Boy Islam
Abdul Mani Slave of one who prevents Boy Islam
Abdul Mannan Slave of the Benefactor Boy Islam
Abdul Mateen Slave of the Firm Boy Islam
Abdul Matin Servant of the Firm, Strong Boy Islam
Abdul Mubdee Slave of the Originator Boy Islam
Abdul Mubdi Servant of the Originator Boy Islam
Abdul Mueed Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer Boy Islam
Abdul Mughni Servant of the Enricher Boy Islam
Abdul Muhaimin Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector Boy Islam
Abdul Muhaymin slave of Allah Boy Islam
Abdul Muhsi Servant of the Reckoner Boy Islam
Abdul Muhsin Slave of the Benefactor Boy Islam
Abdul Muhyee Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it Boy Islam
Abdul Muhyi Servant of the Giver of Life Boy Islam
Abdul Muid Servant of the Restorer Boy Islam
Abdul Muiz Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory Boy Islam
Abdul Muizz Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory Boy Islam
Abdul Mujeeb Servant of the Responder Boy Islam
Abdul Mujib Servant of the Responder Boy Islam
Abdul Mumin Servant of the Giver of Faith Boy Islam
Abdul Munim Slave of the Generous Boy Islam
Abdul Muntaqim Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution Boy Islam
Abdul Muqaddem slave of the Almighty Allah Boy Islam
Abdul Muqaddim Servant of the Expediter Boy Islam
Abdul Muqeet Slave of the Sustainer Boy Islam
Abdul Muqsit Slave of the Just Boy Islam
Abdul Muqtadir A person who assists a powerful and strong person Boy Islam
Abdul Musawwir Servant of the most powerful Allah Boy Islam
Abdul Musawwir Servant of the Fashioner Boy Islam
Abdul Mutaal Servant of the Most High Boy Islam
Abdul Muti Slave of the Giver Boy Islam
Abdul Muzanni Name of the narrator of Hadith Boy Islam
Abdul Nafi Servant of the Benefactor Boy Islam
Abdul Naseer Slave of the Helper Boy Islam

Quranic Muslim Baby Names

Abdul Nasir Servant of the Helper, Protector Boy Islam
Abdul Nasser Servant of the Victorious One Boy Islam
Abdul Noor Slave of the one who is Light Boy Islam
Abdul Nur Servant of the Light Boy Islam
Abdul Qaadir Servant of the Capable Boy Islam
Abdul Qadeer Slave of the Powerful Boy Islam
Abdul Qadir Servant of the Capable Boy Islam
Abdul Qahaar Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty Boy Islam
Abdul Qahhar Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty Boy Islam
Abdul Qawi A strong devotee of the Mighty Islam Boy Islam
Abdul Qayyum Servant of the Self Subsisting Boy Islam
Abdul Quddus Servant of the Most Holy Boy Islam
Abdul Qudoos Servant of the Most Holy Boy Islam
Abdul Raafi Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates Boy Islam
Abdul Rabb Slave of the Lord Boy Islam
Abdul Rafi Servant of the One Who Raises, Elevates (intellect, esteem) Boy Islam
Abdul Raheem Servant of the Most Compassionate Boy Islam
Abdul Rahim Servant of the Merciful Boy Islam
Abdul Rahman Servant of the Beneficent Boy Islam
Abdul Raqib Slave of the Vigilant Boy Islam
Abdul Rashid Slave of the all-right-minded personality Boy Islam
Abdul Rashid Servant of the Rightly Guided One Boy Islam
Abdul Rauf Servant of the Compassionate Boy Islam
Abdul Razzaq Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider Boy Islam
Abdul Sabur Servant of the Patient Boy Islam
Abdul Salam Servant of the Peace Boy Islam
Abdul Samad Servant of the Eternal Boy Islam
Abdul Samee He whose voice can be heard by the God Boy Islam
Abdul Sami Servant of the All-Hearing Boy Islam
Abdul Sattar Servant of the Protector Boy Islam
Abdul Shahid Servant of the Witness Boy Islam
Abdul Tawaab He who serves the forgiving God Boy Islam
Abdul Waali Slave of the Governor Boy Islam
Abdul Wadud Servant of the Loving Boy Islam
Abdul Wahhab One who serves master well and sincerely Boy Islam
Abdul Wasee A servant who understands and does work in a comprehensive manner Boy Islam

Exotic Muslim Baby Names

Abdul-adheem One who serves the Greatest Power Boy Islam
Abdulafuw One who is the servant of the forgiving master Boy Islam
Abdul-Alim Servant of the omniscient Boy Islam
Abdulaliyy A man who is respected and dignified Boy Islam
Abdulazaz A great servant of the almighty Allah Boy Islam
Abdul-Azeez Servant of the mighty, the powerful Boy Islam
Abdul-Azim Servant of the mighty Boy Islam
Abdul-Aziz Servant of the powerful one Boy Islam
Abdul-baaqi Servant of the everlasting God Boy Islam
Abdulbaasit A mythological character \who shows traits of the creator Boy Islam
Abdulbadee The one who begins life and traditions Boy Islam
Abdul-Bari Servant of the Creator Boy Islam
Abdulbarr Honored to serve the great one Boy Islam
Abdul-Basit Servant of the extender Boy Islam
Abdulfataah A servant of solid character Boy Islam
Abdul-Fattah Servant of the opener (of the gates of sustenance) Boy Islam
Abdul-Ghafoor Servant of the forgiver Boy Islam
Abdulghani One who is dignified and helps all Boy Islam
Abdul-Haafiz Servant of the protector Boy Islam
Abdulhady It is an Arabic name that is used to mean Allah Boy Islam
Abdulhafeez The protector of his master Boy Islam
Abdulhafid One who serves the protector Boy Islam
Abdul-Hafiz Servant of the protector Boy Islam
Abdul-Hakam Servant of the arbitrator Boy Islam
Abdul-Hakim Servant of the wise one Boy Islam
Abdul-Halim Servant of the mild, patient one Boy Islam
Abdul-Hameed Servant of the praiseworthy Boy Islam
Abdul-Hasib Servant of the respected, esteemed Boy Islam
Abdul-Jabaar Servant of the mighty Boy Islam
Abdul-Jabbar Servant of the mighty, Comforting Boy Islam
Abdul-Jaleel Servant of the great; revered Boy Islam
Abdul-Jalil Servant of the great, revered one Boy Islam
Abduljame The one who serves the farmer Boy Islam
Abdul kabeer The slave of Boy Islam
Abdulkabir Helper to the greatest Allah Boy Islam
Abdul-Karim Servant of the noble, generous one Boy Islam
Abdulkawi The one who can search for new ideas Boy Islam

Inspirational Muslim Baby Names

Abdul-Khaaliq Servant of the Creator Boy Islam
Abdulkhafiz The person who supports the blessed one Boy Islam
Abdulkhaliq He who follows the creator Boy Islam
Abdul-Khaliq Servant of the Creator Boy Islam
Abdull A servant of god Boy Islam
Abdulla Variation: Abdullah Boy Islam
Abdullah Allah’s servant Boy Islam
Abdullah Servant (of Allah) Boy Islam
Abdul-Latif Servant of the kind one Boy Islam
Abdulmaalik The servant if the Master of mankind Boy Islam
Abdulmannan The servant of the generous one Boy Islam
Abdulmateen Servant of the firm and strong one Boy Islam
Abdul-Matin Servant of the firm, strong Boy Islam
Abdul-Muhaimin Servant of the supervising, the guardian, the protector Boy Islam
Abdulmuhsen One who stands by the truth Boy Islam
Abdulmuhyi One who sacrifices his life for all Boy Islam
Abdul-Mu’izz Servant of the giver of might and glory Boy Islam
Abdulmujahid The one who is responsible for his actions Boy Islam
Abdulmujeeb Servant of Allah- the one who  answers prayers Boy Islam
Abdul-Muta’al Servant of the highest Boy Islam
Abdulnaseer He who is helpful Boy Islam
Abdul-Nasser Servant of the victorious one Boy Islam
Abdul-Qahaar Servant of the subduer, the almighty Boy Islam
Abdulqahhar The one who prays to Allah sincerely Boy Islam
Abdul-Qahhar Servant of the subduer, the almighty Boy Islam
Abdul-Qudoos Servant of the holiest Boy Islam
Abdulrabb He who serves his Creator with no qualms Boy Islam
Abdul-Rafi Servant of the one who raises elevates (intellect, esteem) Boy Islam
Abdul-Rahim Servant of the most compassionate one Boy Islam
Abdul-Rahman Servant of the merciful one Boy Islam
Abdul-Raouf Servant of the most merciful Boy Islam
Abdul-Rasheed Servant of the rightly guided Boy Islam
Abdul-Ra’uf Servant of the most merciful Boy Islam
Abdul-Razaaq Servant of the maintainer; the provider Boy Islam
Abdul-Sabur Servant of the patient Boy Islam
Abdul-Salaam Servant of the peace Boy Islam
Abdul-Samad Servant of the eternal Boy Islam

Beautiful Muslim Baby Names

Abdul-Sami Servant of the all-hearing Boy Islam
Abdul-Tawwab Servant of the forgiver Boy Islam
Abdul-Waahid Servant of the one Boy Islam
Abdul-Wadood Servant of the loving Boy Islam
Abdul-Wadud Servant of the loving Boy Islam
Abdul-Wahid Servant of the one Boy Islam
Abdur-raqeeb Servant of the watchful Allah Boy Islam
Abdus Sattar Slave of the one who conceals faults Boy Islam
Abdus Shafi Slave of the Healer Boy Islam
Abdus Subbooh Slave of the Extremely pure Boy Islam
Abdush Shahid Slave of the Witness Boy Islam
Abdus-Sabour Servant of the Patient Boy Islam
Abdus-Salaam Servant of the Source of Peace Boy Islam
Abdus-Samad Servant of the Eternal Boy Islam
Abdus-Sameei Servant of the All-Hearing Boy Islam
Abdus-Shaheed Servant of the Witness Boy Islam
Abdus-Shakur Servant of the Appreciative Boy Islam
Abdus-smad Slave of the eternal Allah Boy Islam
Abedi  name that means worshipper Boy Islam
Abedin Worshippers Boy Islam
Abeed Abeed means a slave or a worshipper of God Boy Islam
Abeedah Worshipper Boy Islam
Abeer Fragrance Boy Islam
Abhar The one who is clever and intellectual Boy Islam
Abi Karami Generous Boy Islam
Abi Nubli Intellect, intelligence, brainpower Boy Islam
Abi Rafdi Help Boy Islam
Abi Sarwan Generous Boy Islam
Abid Worshipper of god Boy Islam
Abid Worshipper, adorer Boy Islam
Abidin Worshippers, adorers Boy Islam
Abisali Warrior in Islam Boy Islam
Abrad Hail, Mail Boy Islam
Abrak The blessed one Boy Islam
Abu al Khayr One who does good Boy Islam
Abu Bakr Name of one of Muhammad’s companions Boy Islam
Abu Hirzan Effort, strive Boy Islam
Abu Juhdi Effort, Endeavour Boy Islam

Rare Muslim Baby Names

Abyan Eloquent Boy Islam
Abyat Poem Boy Islam
Abzari One who sows Boy Islam
Adam A Prophet Name Boy Islam
Adawi Grandson of Sayyindina Umer Boy Islam
Adbul-Qawi Servant of the Most Powerful Boy Islam
Addiel A righteous man; one who is fair and just Boy Islam
Adeeb A literary Person Boy Islam
Adeel Just Boy Islam
Adeem Rare Boy Islam
Adel Honorable Judge, One who Judges Fairly Boy Islam
Adel / Adil Just Boy Islam
Adham Black or dark Boy Islam
Adhwa’ Light Boy Islam
Adib Cultured, well-mannered one Boy Islam
Adil Just, Honest Boy Islam
Adiy A companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name Boy Islam
Adl Justice Boy Islam
Adnan Old Arabic name Boy Islam
Aduz Zahir Slave of the Manifest Boy Islam
Afaaq The place where Earth & Sky meet Boy Islam
Afan  name that means growth or progress Boy Islam
Afandi A status title for the high-position person Boy Islam
Afdal Excellent, remarkable Boy Islam
Affan Forgiving person Boy Islam
Afham Loving Boy Islam
Afif Chaste, Modest Boy Islam
Afif / Afeef Chaste, modest Boy Islam
Afraz Standing tall like a mountain Boy Islam
Afsal   Boy Islam
Aftab Sun Boy Islam
Afzal Most excellent Boy Islam
Afzal Best, topmost Boy Islam
Afzan   Boy Islam
Agrim Always ahead Boy Islam
Ahad The one Boy Islam

Classic Muslim Baby Names

Ahmar Red Coloured Boy Islam
Ahnaf Name of one of the narrators of hadith Boy Islam
Ahsan The best of all Boy Islam
Ahwas Having narrow, contracted, or squinting eye Boy Islam
Ahzab Name of one of the narrators of Hadith Boy Islam
Aidh Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran Boy Islam
Aiman Fearless Boy Islam
Ajer Reward Boy Islam
Ajib Wonderful Boy Islam
Ajlah A narrator of hadith had this name Boy Islam
Ajmal Beautiful Boy Islam
Akbar Great Boy Islam
Akeem Wise Boy Islam
Akhas A narrator of hadith Boy Islam
Akhdan Best Friend Boy Islam
Akhfash There have been several men of this name; there were grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century Boy Islam
Akhlaq Behavior Boy Islam
Akhtar A Star, good man Boy Islam
Akif Focused Boy Islam
Akil Intelligent, thoughtful, one who uses reason Boy Islam
Akram Most generous Boy Islam
Akram Most generous Boy Islam
Akyas Wise; intelligent Boy Islam
Al Abbas Description of a lion Boy Islam
Ala al Din Excellence of faith Boy Islam
Alaa exaltation Boy Islam
Alaa Udeen Excellence of religion Boy Islam
Aladdin Nobility of Faith Boy Islam
Aladdin / Ala al din Nobility of Faith Boy Islam
Aleem Knowledgeable Boy Islam
Alhasan the good; the name of the Prophet’s grandson Boy Islam
Alhusain / Alhusayn Diminutive of the handsome, the good; the name of the Prophet’s grandson Boy Islam
Ali exalted; Muhammad’s son-in-law Boy Islam
Alif The first character in Hijaiyah Boy Islam
Alim Wise or learned Boy Islam

Contemporary Muslim Baby Names

Alman Kind, willing and Wiseman Boy Islam
Almir Prince Boy Islam
Altair The flying eagle Boy Islam
Alula Firstborn Boy Islam
Amaan The most loveable Boy Islam
Amaar One who prays 5 times and fasts Boy Islam
Amad Much praised Boy Islam
Amali My ambition Boy Islam
Amaluddin Ambition of religion Boy Islam
Amam Safety, Protection Boy Islam
Amanullah in the aman of The Allah Boy Islam
Amar Making a home Boy Islam
Ameen Faithful, trustworthy Boy Islam
Ameer Commander, Prince, Khalifah Boy Islam
Amer Rich Boy Islam
Amid Support Boy Islam
Amin trustworthy Boy Islam
Amin / Ameen Faithful, trustworthy Boy Islam
Amjad More glorious Boy Islam
Ammaar One with strong Imaan Boy Islam
Ammar / Ammar Builder, constructor Boy Islam
Amr life Boy Islam
Amro Old Arabic name Boy Islam
Anahid Immaculate Boy Islam
Anas Very sociable Boy Islam
Anasah The freed slave of the Prophet had this name Boy Islam
Aneeq Valuable Boy Islam
Anees Intimate, friendly Boy Islam
Aneez   Boy Islam
Aniq Elegant Boy Islam
Anis Close friend Boy Islam
Aniya Concern, Loving Boy Islam
Anjam Stars Boy Islam
Ansar   Boy Islam
Ansari   Boy Islam
Antarah Heroic; the name of an Arab folk hero Boy Islam
Anwar Shining Boy Islam
Aqeel Wise, Intelligent Boy Islam

Famous Muslim Baby Names

Aqeil Knowledgable Boy Islam
Aqib successor; follower Boy Islam
Aqil Old Arabic name Boy Islam
Arafat   Boy Islam
Arbaaz Eagle Boy Islam
Arbad Masters; lords Boy Islam
Ardalan A Kurdish vassal Boy Islam
Areeb Skillful, Adroit Boy Islam
Arfan Gratitude Boy Islam
Arham Merciful Boy Islam
Arif Corporal; acquainted, knowledgable Boy Islam
Arkaan Principles Boy Islam
Armaan Wish; Desire Boy Islam
Arman Army man Boy Islam
Arqa A person noted for his refined taste in things Boy Islam
Arsal The one who was sent Boy Islam
Arsalaan Lion Boy Islam
Arsh Dominion; crown;sky;pure Boy Islam
Arsh Dominion, Crown Boy Islam
Arshad Better guided, honest Boy Islam
Artah A narrator of the hadith Boy Islam
Aryan Of utmost strength Boy Islam
Asad Lion Boy Islam
Asadel Most prosperous one Boy Islam
Asar Fourth Prayer of the Day Boy Islam
Asbagh Colored animal, huge flood, dyer Boy Islam
Asbat A narrator of hadith Boy Islam
Aseed A narrator of Hadeeth Boy Islam
Asghar Shorter, Smaller, Junior Boy Islam
Ashar One who has wisdom Boy Islam
Ashaz One in a million, the name of a sahabi during the time of the prophet There is a hadith praising his virtue of patience and obedience to parents Boy Islam
Asheem Boundless Boy Islam
Ashfaq Compassionate friend Boy Islam
Ashif   Boy Islam
Ashim Generous Boy Islam
Ashmath Correct path, Straight path Boy Islam

Stylish Muslim Baby Names

Awad/Awad Reward, compensation Boy Islam
Awf A plant with a nice smell Boy Islam
Awn To help, assist Boy Islam
Awwab Returning (to Allah) Boy Islam
Aybak Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian Boy Islam
Aydin Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon Boy Islam
Ayman Lucky; on the right Boy Islam
Ayser Easy in dealing with, wealthy Boy Islam
Ayyash Bread seller Boy Islam
Ayyub / Ayoob A prophet’s name (Job) Boy Islam
Aza Comfort Boy Islam
Azaan Call for the prayer Boy Islam
Azab Touring, traveling, wandering Boy Islam
Azad Freedom Boy Islam
Azeem / Azim Defender, refers to one of Gods ninety-nine qualities Boy Islam
Azfer Leader Boy Islam
Azim Greatest Boy Islam
Aziz / Aziz Powerful (dear) Boy Islam
Azlan Lion Boy Islam
Azmat Respect, honor Boy Islam
Azraq Blue, the name of a companion of the Prophet Boy Islam
Azraqi He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah Boy Islam
Azzam Determined, resolved Boy Islam

Trendy Muslim Baby Names

Abu Najdi Helpful Boy Islam
Abul Auni Helpful Boy Islam
Abul Khairi Goodness Boy Islam
Abul Khayr One who does good Boy Islam
Abul Wardi A person who likes roses Boy Islam
Abul-Hassan The Son Of Ali Boy Islam
Abussyamili Collector Boy Islam
Abyad A narrator of hadith was so named Boy Islam
Ahammed most praised Boy Islam
Ahmad / Ahmed Most highly adored, or most praised; variation of the name “Muhammad” Boy Islam
Aliyy The highest, greatest, excellent, noble Boy Islam
Almahdi Guided to the right path Boy Islam