1000+ Latest And Modern Baby Boy Names With Meanings | Popular बच्चों के नाम और उनके अर्थ

 50 Assamese Baby Boy Names

Are you in search of traditional and unique Assamese and modern baby boy names? Check out our collection of 50 Assamese baby boy names that are both meaningful and charming.  Dis

cover the perfect name that reflects your cultural heritage and celebrates your little one’s individuality. Choose a name with a beautiful meaning and start your parenting journey with a special name for your baby boy that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Abhinav  New, young, innovative Boy
Abhijit  Victorious, successful Boy
Amar  Immortal, everlasting Boy
Aniruddha  Boundless, without obstacles Boy
Arnav  Ocean, sea Boy
Bhaskar  Sun, light Boy
Bikram  Strong, powerful Boy
Debashish  Pleased with Gods Boy
Dhruba  Polestar, steadfast Boy
Dipankar  Lamp bearer Boy
Ghanashyam  Dark as clouds, Lord Krishna Boy
Himangshu  Moon Boy
Indrajit  Conqueror of Indra Boy
Jyotish  Astrology, light Boy
Kamalakanta  Lotus-eyed Boy
Keshab  Lord Krishna Boy
Manash  Mind, soul Boy
Mohan  Charming, enchanting Boy
Nayan  Eye, vision Boy
Nihar  Mist, dew Boy
Nipun  Skilled, talented Boy
Nitin  Moral, ethical Boy
Partha  Arjuna, son of Pritha Boy
Prahlad  Blissful, joyful Boy
Pranjal  Honest, simple Boy
Prosenjit  Winner of hearts Boy
Raktim  Red, blood-colored Boy
Rajeev  Lotus flower Boy
Rajkumar  Prince, son of a king Boy
Ramen  Pleasing, attractive Boy
Ranjit  Victorious, conqueror Boy
Rupam  Beautiful, attractive Boy
Sachin  Pure, essence Boy
Samarjit  Victorious in battle Boy
Samiran  Wind, breeze Boy
Sanjay  Victorious, conqueror Boy
Satyajit  Winner of truth Boy
Shyamal  Dark as clouds Boy
Subhankar  Auspicious, lucky Boy
Sudip  Bright, shining Boy
Sukumar  Handsome, attractive Boy
Suman  Good-hearted, cheerful Boy
Suren  Lord Indra Boy
Swapnesh  Lord of dreams Boy
Tapas  Heat, meditation Boy
Tejash  Radiant, shining Boy
Uday  Sunrise, to rise Boy
Ujjwal  Bright, brilliant Boy
Uttam  Best, excellent Boy
Vibhor  Ecstatic, overflowing Boy

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