Class 3 science | The best practice paper for CBSE

This ‘Class 3 science’ question sample paper has been prepared for the student

s studying in class III under the board of CBSE, India who want to practice for chapter numbers 8, 9, and 10.

science class 3 chapter 8 question answer

A. Choose the correct answer for each of the following.

  1. This gas is required for burning.

(a) Nitrogen        b) Oxygen          (c) none of these

2. Air contains ——————

(a) Gases              (b) water vapour             (c) dust                 (d) all of these

3. —————— is the process in which water vapour changes into water.

(a) Evaporation                                 (b) Boiling            c) Condensation               (d) Freezing

4.  When the wind blows gently, it is called a —————–

(a) Breeze           (b) storm               (c) gale

Science class 3 worksheet

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

  1. Water is present in the air in the form of————- .(ice/water vapour)
  2. We often feel thirsty during —————- days. (rainy/hot)
  3. Moving air is called ————– .(cloud/wind)
  4. Trees shed their leaves during ———— (Spring/autumn)

C. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

  1. Air is important for all living things.
  2. Air contains dust particles.
  3. Nitrogen is important for the growth of plants.
  4. Evaporation is the process in which water turns into ice.
  5. Weather is the same in all parts of the world.

worksheet for class 3 science

D. Match the following.

Column A
1. Umbrellas and raincoats
2. Clouds gather up
3. Sun shines brightly
4. Strong wind  
Column B
(a) Gale
b) Rainy day
(e) Cloudy day
(d) Sunny day  

E. Name the following.

  1. The process in which water vapour changes into water ———————–
  2. The day-to-day condition of a particular place                ———————–
  3. The strong wind that can cause damage to houses and trees ———————–
  4. The change of weather after every few months ———————–

F. Give reasons for the following.

  1. Water cycle is a continuous process.
  2. Water droplets are seen on the outer surface of a cold object.
  3. The wet clothes hung on a clothesline dry up after a while.
  4. Deep sea divers carry oxygen cylinders.
  5. We drink soup on a cold day.

science class 3 question answer

G. Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. What does air contain?
  2. What is the difference between breeze and gale?
  3. What are the different types of weather?

H. Chose the correct option for each of the following.

  • Which among the following is a planet?

(a) Sun                  (b) Moon             (c) Jupiter            (d) Orion

  • Which one of the following provides light and heat?

(a) Moon             (b) Jupiter           (c) Saturn                           (d) Sun

  • The planet that is the farthest from the sun is

(a) Neptune       (b) Uranus         (c) Saturn             (d) Earth

  • The natural satellite of the Earth is the

(a) Mercury        (b) Mars                (c) Moon            (d) Venus

  • Identify a constellation.

(a) Crater             (b) Mercury        (c) Orion              (d) Mars

class 3 science worksheets

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

  1. The Earth is the ——————- planet from the sun. (third/fourth)
  2. The moon has no ——————-. (Mountains/air)
  3. Faraway objects can be seen clearly with the help of a ——————- (naked eye/telescope)
  4. The closest star to the Earth is the ——————- (Ursa  Major/sun)
  5. A group of stars forming a certain pattern in the night sky is called ——————- constellation/crater)

J. Answer the following in one word each.

  1. The source of light and heat on the Earth ——————-
  2. The largest planet moving around the sun ——————-
  3. Days taken by the moon to move around the Earth once ——————-
  4. The instrument that helps us to see faraway objects ——————-
  5. Any constellation        ——————-

K. Give reasons for the following.

  1. All constellations cannot be seen all the time.
  2. Mars is known as the red planet.
  3. We do not get to see the moon as a complete circle every time we look at the night sky.
  4. Stars appear as dots of light in the night sky even though these are huge balls of fire.

L. Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. What is an orbit?
  2. What is a satellite?
  3. What are craters?
  4. Why does the sun appear to be bigger in size than the rest of the stars?

class 3 science questions and answers chapter 10

M. Choose the correct option for each of the following.

  • Earlier people believed that the Earth was ——————-

(a) Square   (b) flat                  (c) spherical

  • The axis of the Earth is ——————-

(a) Straight  (b) rounded       (c) tilted

  • The light from the sun is used by ——————-

(a) Birds       (b) animals         (c) plants            (d) all of these

  • The Earth rotates from ——————-

(a west to east                          (b) east to west                                (c) east to south  (d) none

  • . What is the time taken by the Earth to complete one rotation?

     (a) 12 hours   (b) 15 hours        (c) 24 hours        (d) 60 hours

N. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

  1. ———————- Covers the entire Earth like a blanket. (Air/Water)
  2. When the Earth rotates, it causes—————— (change in seasons/day and night)
  3. The orbit of the Earth is a path around —————— (the sun/its own axis)
  4. One complete revolution of the Earth makes one —————– (day/ year)

O. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

  1. The rotation of the Earth causes seasons.
  2. The revolution of the Earth takes 24 hours.
  3. Three-fourths of the Earth’s surface is covered by land.
  4. As Earth rotates, the side of Earth facing away from the sun experiences daylight.

P. Name the following.

  1. Two things we get from the sun ————————– and ————————-
  2. Two types of movements of the Earth ————————– and ————————
  3. Two things the Earth has to support life ————————– and ————————

Q. Give reasons for the following.

  1. The Earth looks blue from outer space.
  2. Sun supports life on Earth.
  3. Rotation of the Earth is responsible for the formation of day and night.
  4. Japan is called the ‘Land of the rising sun’.
  5. Smoke from vehicles makes the air we breathe impure.
  6. We must plant more trees and dispose waste properly.

class 3 science book question answer

R. Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. What is atmosphere?
  2. What is the axis of the Earth?
  3. What are the poles of the Earth? Name them.
  4. What is an orbit?
class 3 science

class 3 science questions and answers pdf