300 Great Sahaba Name | Exploring the Sahaba Name List and Their Profound Contributions

Sahaba name,

The Sahaba were the companions of the

45">Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who played the most important roles in the early history of Islam. Many of these companions have become well-known and revered figures in Islamic history, and their names are often chosen as a way to honor their contributions to the faith. Here are some popular Sahaba names:

Name of Sahaba in The Quran

Name Meaning
 Abbas bin Abdul Mutallib Lion
 Abdullah bin Abbas Servant of Allah
 Abdullah bin az-Zubayr Servant of Allah
 Abdullah bin Masud Servant of Allah
 Abdullah bin Rawaaha Servant of Allah
 Abdullah bin Suhail Servant of Allah
 Abdullah bin Umar Servant of Allah
 Abu Jandal bin Suhail Massive rock
 Ammaar bin Yaasir Who has a long life
 Amr bin al-Aas living
 Amr bin Al-Jamooh Living
Asad The lion
 Baraa bin Malik Innocent
 Bilal bin Rabaah Water
 Faatik bin Zayd Warrior
 Furaat bin Hayyan Pure water
 Haabis bin Daghna Hermit
 Haashim bin Utbah Breaker
 Habeeb bin Rabeea Beloved
 Hamzah bin Abd al-Mutallib Lion
 HanzalaH A plant name
 Hasan bin Ali Handsome
 Hassaan bin Thabit Handsome
 Hussain bin Ali Handsome
 Huzaifa bin al-Yamaan Free from faults
 Ibrahim bin Jabir Prophet’s name
 Ibrahim bin Qays Prophet’s name
 Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl Dove
 Ishaak al-Ghanawi Prophet’s name
 Ismaeel bin Saeed Prophet’s name
 Jaafar bin Abi Talib River
 Jabir bin Abdullah Dominant
 Jubair bin Mutim Overcomer
 Jundub bin Zuhair BEetle
 Kaab bin Malik Glory
 Khabaab bin al-Art  who walks quickly
 Khalid ibn al-Waleed Eternal
 Khubaib bin Uday A person who runs fast
 Labeed al-Aamiri Resident
 Mahmood bin Muslimah Praiseworthy
 Muaaz bin Jabal Protected by Allah
 Mudrik bin al-Haarith Intelligent
 Muhammad bin Muslima Praiseworthy
 Musaab bin Umair Who can withstand hardship
 Raafi bin Khadeej High
 Saad bin Abi Waqqaas Happy
 Saad bin Muaaz Happy
 Saad bin Ubadah Happy
 Saalim, Slave of Abi Huzaifa Safe
 Saeed bin Zayd Happy
 Safwaan bin Umayyah Rock
 Sakhr bin Wadi’ah Rock
 Salman al-Farsi Free from fault
 Suhail bin Amr Ease
 Taariq bin Shahaab Star
 Talha bin Ubaidullah Shade tree
 Thaalaba bin Abdurrahman Fox
 Thabit bin ad-Duhdaah Firm
 Tufail bin Amr ad-Doosi Soft
 Ubad bin Bashr Worshiper of Allah
 Ubadah bin as-Saamit Worshiper of Allah
 Ukasha bin Mihsin Spider
 Umar bin al-Khattaab Having a long life
 Uqail bin Abi Talib Intelligent
 Urwah bin Iyadh Lion
 Usama bin Zayd bin Haritha Lion
 Uthman bin Affan Snake
 Uthman bin Madoon Names of Sahabi
 Uzaina bin Salama bin Harith Obedient
 Waaqid bin al-Haarith Kindler of fire
 Waasi bin Habbaan Generous
 Waasila bin Habbab  who is kind to his relatives
 Waathila bin al-Asqaa Wealthy
 Wahb bin al-Aswad Gift from Allah
 Wahbaan bin Saifi Gift from Allah
 Waraqa bin Haabis Leaf
 Waraqah bin Nawfal Honorable
 Ward bin Khalid Flower