100 Unique and Modern Hindu Baby girl names

Modern Hindu baby

Modern Hindu baby boy names

Name Meaning Gender Religion
Zeus King of the Gods Male Greek
Apollo God of the Sun Male Greek
Hermes Messenger God Male Greek
Poseidon God of the Sea Male Greek
Ares God of War Male Greek
Dionysus God of Wine Male Greek
Hephaestus God of Fire Male Greek
Hades God of the Underworld Male Greek
Perseus Slayer of Medusa Male Greek
Odin Allfather God Male Norse
Thor God of Thunder Male Norse
Loki Trickster God Male Norse
Freyr God of Fertility Male Norse
Baldur God of Light Male Norse
Tyr God of War Male Norse
Freyja Goddess of Love Male Norse
Heimdallr Guardian of the Bifrost Male Norse
Baldr God of Beauty Male Norse
Mars God of War Male Roman
Mercury Messenger God Male Roman
Neptune God of the Sea Male Roman
Bacchus God of Wine Male Roman
Vulcan God of Fire Male Roman
Pluto God of the Underworld Male Roman
Cupid God of Love Male Roman
Hercules Hero and Demigod Male Roman
Ra God of the Sun Male Egyptian
Osiris God of the Afterlife Male Egyptian
Horus God of the Sky Male Egyptian
Anubis God of Embalming Male Egyptian
Thoth God of Wisdom Male Egyptian
Seth God of Chaos Male Egyptian
Amun King of the Gods Male Egyptian
Ptah Creator God Male Egyptian
Sobek God of the Nile Male Egyptian
Anhur God of War Male Egyptian
Krishna Divine Cowherd Male Hindu
Rama Seventh Avatar of Vishnu Male Hindu
Shiva Destroyer of Evil Male Hindu
Vishnu Preserver of Universe Male Hindu
Brahma Creator of Universe Male Hindu
Ganesh Remover of Obstacles Male Hindu
Indra King of Gods Male Hindu
Arjuna Legendary Archer Male Hindu
Hanuman Monkey God Male Hindu
Yama God of Death Male Hindu
Jupiter King of the Gods Male Roman
Saturn God of Harvest Male Roman
Caelus God of the Sky Male Roman
Janus God of Beginnings Male Roman
Aphrodite Goddess of Love Male Greek
Athena Goddess of Wisdom Male Greek
Artemis Goddess of the Hunt Male Greek
Hera Queen of the Gods Male Greek
Demeter Goddess of Agriculture Male Greek
Hestia Goddess of the Hearth Male Greek
Persephone Goddess of the Underworld Male Greek
Gaia Goddess of the Earth Male Greek
Nyx Goddess of the Night Male Greek
Freya Goddess of Love Male Norse
Frigg Queen of the Gods Male Norse
Idunn Goddess of Youth Male Norse
Skadi Goddess of Winter Male Norse
Sif Goddess of Harvest Male Norse
Hel Queen of the Underworld Male Norse
Eir Goddess of Healing Male Norse
Njord God of the Sea Male Norse
Ran Goddess of the Sea Male Norse
Amaterasu Goddess of the Sun Male Japanese
Susanoo God of the Sea and Storms Male Japanese
Tsukuyomi God of the Moon Male Japanese
Hachiman God of War Male Japanese
Izanagi Creator God Male Japanese
Fujin God of Wind Male Japanese
Raijin God of Thunder Male Japanese
Inari Goddess of Rice Male Japanese
Bishamon God of Fortune Male Japanese
Amida Buddha of Infinite Light Male Japanese
Ananta Eternal God Male Hindu
Kalki Future Avatar of Vishnu Male Hindu
Agni God of Fire Male Hindu
Varuna God of the Oceans Male Hindu
Surya God of the Sun Male Hindu
Kubera God of Wealth Male Hindu
Chandra God of the Moon Male Hindu
Ravana Demon King Male Hindu
Matsya Fish Avatar of Vishnu Male Hindu
Karna Hero of Mahabharata Male Hindu
Buddha Enlightened One Male Buddhist
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva of Compassion Male Buddhist
Manjushri Bodhisattva of Wisdom Male Buddhist
Vajrapani Bodhisattva of Power Male Buddhist
Maitreya Future Buddha Male Buddhist
Tara Goddess of Compassion Male Buddhist
Mahakala Great Black One Male Buddhist
Samantabhadra Universal Worthy Male Buddhist
Amitabha Buddha of Infinite Light Male Buddhist
Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche Male Buddhist